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SEC Enforcement Stats for FY 2023

The SEC is out with its FY 2023 enforcement statistics.  The total volume of enforcement was down from the prior year, but still very active.  About $5 billion in financial remedies were obtained.  As the quote below from Law360 highlights, the SEC's whistleblower program remains very active, with over 18,000 tips received last year.     

the SEC said it received 18,000 whistleblower tips. That's the agency's highest number on record, representing a 50% increase over the tips received in the previous record-setting fiscal year of 2022. The tip increase came the same year that the SEC announced that it had delivered a whopping $279 million award to an anonymous tipster who helped the federal government secure a $1 billion foreign bribery award against Stockholm-based telecom giant Ericsson.